Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Winter is about having snow
this year where I am from
there is not too much
Last month we had snowstorm
with minus 40 to 50 windchills
Anytime there was snow
this would melt

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sensitive about my poems

I had the comment option turned off
for two years
because the unkind things said
which brought tears
I never meant to be absend this long
but unable to get in my poetry belongs

but not remembering the password it was wrong

Sunday, April 4, 2010


In spring
The birds fly over the trees
they glide in a breeze
Spring is coming near
Once again for another year
Another sign of spring
the birds they sweetly sing
Days become longer
with the sunlight sunshine becoming stronger
Grass leaves start to become green
this would have a beautiful scene
In the forest
birds will build a new nest.

I wrote this poem in my brothers birthday card

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentines Day Tomorrow

February 14th, is Valentines Day
On this day there are chocolates
People will be dressed up in fashion
of hearts
I have Heart earrings
My avatar background in yahoo answers is
constantly changing in Valentine background
One background is active lips kissing
Tomorrow is a Valentines Day party I am going to
Some people could bring cookies or cakes in the shape of heart
Kids in school often give cards
lovers or spouses often ask will you be mine
husband and wives also give flowers
Roses would the type of flower

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sad memories German club burned down

To the German Concordia Club
It is sad that you have burned down
to the ground
I heard of you when I go to folk fest
because this is where the German pavilion is
schnitzel bratworst these are sausages
roast pig, potato pancakes with apple sauce
I had the pleasure of having these
each day I went to folk fest
Another memory would be communicating
to either the volunteers or children
helping them figure out how to say
some phrases in German
For example
yes ja
no nein
please bitte
thank you danke


On September 15th 16th
there were 3 fires
pyromania or arsonist
Someone decided to set the staff room on
fire in a high school, the masonic temple
where shriners go.
The fire that upset me was the German Concordia
No thanks of no fire hydrant this was totally destroyed.
arson is suspected here
In the temple fire the fire dept said it was an accident but I don't
believe it.

Animal Abuse

Animal abuse is in different forms
I don't have a pet but I know about
animal abuse.
One form is not feeding the animal
no clean water
Making the animal sleep outside without
The shelter is to protect from extreme cold
or extreme hot.
I went on a tour at the SPCA a few times.
the tour guide mentioned they get animal
brought everyday 5000.
Unfortunately they have to put these to sleep
because there is no room.
Now they have adopt a pet sending them to loving home.
Recently a woman went in the store
left her dogs in a car with the window open a crack
One of the dogs died
and I think the other one did too
When the weather is hot never leave your
kanine or feline in a car that becomes like an oven.

About Me

I like to blog I have one sister 2 brothers 3 nieces and 2 nephews. I did my schooling in Saskatoon but born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I have been writing for several years and the poetry for about close to 3 years. I wrote my first poem after my brother died. Just because I am girl of poems I may write other item that is not a poem. I spend much time on the internet including my blogging. I became a great aunt twice last year